Alla inlägg den 18 februari 2011

Av Lillemor Pahlén - 18 februari 2011 10:56

7:orna ordnade med disco på Folkets Hus förra fredagen och skötte det hela mycket bra!

Stort tack till alla elever som bidrog på olika sätt samt till föräldrar.

Det blev ett bra tillskott till elevernas kassa!


Av Lillemor Pahlén - 18 februari 2011 09:38

English year 8 week 7-11, 2011  







Week 7-8

Base Book p 85, some and any

P 86-87, Table talk

P 88-89, look and learn, practise speaking

Homework: Hand in your paper about Midsumer Murders.

Week 9


BB p 90-91, USA

Work with the text, translate p 90. Answer the questions: What do you know about the United States? Have you been there? Do you want to go there? Do you know any famous people? Who? Anything else?

Do you want to go there? Where?


Week 10





Week 11

AB p 92-93, What makes a good teacher? Write it down and discuss it in groups!

P 95, use a dictionary

AB p 195-196, any/some/many/ a few etc.

Homework: the box on p 196 in AB.

Ovido - Quiz & Flashcards